Texas Hold'em (No Limit) -- Standings
End of Day Three
1995 Champion: Dan Harrington
The following report is courtesy of Paul R. Pudaite and
Tom Sims, 5/16/96
The Survivors
The Final Table
1. John Bonetti 794,000 Houston, TX
2. Huck Seed 632,000 Las Vegas, NV
3. An Tran 596,000 Las Vegas, NV
4. Dr. Bruce Van Horn 524,000 Ada, OK
5. Men "Master" Nguyen 252,000 Bell Gardens, CA
6. Andre Boyer 153,000 Las Vegas, NV
7. J. P. Schmalz 78,000 Houston, TX
8. Fernando Fisdel 58,500 Denver, CO
9. Steve Beam 44,850 Las Vegas, NV
10. David Chiu 31,200 Lakewood, CO
11. Paul Ladanyi 31,200 Las Vegas, NV
12. John Saer 31,200 Little Rock, AR
13. Chau Giang 27,300 Las Vegas, NV
14. John "Akron" Franjesh 27,300 Akron, OH
15. Steve Melton 27,300 Noble, OK
16. Berry Johnston 23,400 Las Vegas, NV
17. Dan Harrington 23,400 Las Vegas, NV
18. Frank Henderson 23,400 Houston, TX
19. John Esposito 19,500 Las Vegas, NV
20. Larry Gordon 19,500 Los Angeles, CA
21. Peter Vilandos 19,500 Houston, TX
22. Tom Hufnagle 19,500 Las Vegas, NV
23. Mike Laing 19,500 Franklin, PA
24. Hal "Deadman" Kant 19,500 Reno, NV
25. Donn O'Dea 19,500 London, England
26. Lucy Rokach 19,500 Stoke-on-Trent, England
27. Jeff Burdsall 19,500 Las Vegas, NV
The Showdown
Binion's Horseshoe, May 16, 1996 --
The makeup of the final table at The WSOP's $10,000 World's Champion event
was decided at about 1900 hours PDT last evening. All six
finalists were among the top nine chip leaders going into
today's play. Huck Seed was the 295th (last) to enter the Tournament.
- At about 1330 hours a confrontation between two of the chip
leaders developed. Peter Vilandos (AK) lost a pot of about
500,000 to John "Akron" Fraujsch (AT) with a board of (AxxTx).
Most of the money went in on the turn. This put PV out of the
Tournament in 21st place and made Akron John the chip leader.
- Steve Beam doubled thru twice on consecutive hands against
Larry Gordon to eliminate LG in 20th place. 500 ante and the
blinds are 1,500/3,000. On the second hand, both were all-in
before the flop. SB's AQ outkicked LG's QT (468Q5) to win a
pot of about 90,000.
- Men's JJ wins a 250,000 pot from Akron John (AQ) with Men
all-in before the flop (J9K7K). Akron John is still the chip
leader with over 350,000.
- Frank Henderson (A3) goes all-in before the flop against Chau
Giang (55) and wins a 50,000 pot on the river (K962A).
- Dan Harrington (T5s) is all-in before the flop versus Berry
Johnston (AKs) and wins a 50,000 pot (J546J).
- Antes go to 1,000 and blinds are 2,000/4,000 and John Saer
(99) puts John Esposito (AK) all in before the flop. JE
finishes in 19th place when the board shows (9626x).
- David Chiu (88) goes all in before the flop against Andre
Boyer (A9h) and wins a 80,000 pot (56K4K).
- Frank Henderson finishes 18th when his all-in before the flop
K5c loses to Steve Melton's JJ in a 50,000 pot (AAQ74).
- Fernando Fisdel's all-in before the flop ATs wins a 60,000
pot against JP Schmalz's 78s (T723A).
- Dan Harrington (KK) is all in and wins a 100,000 pot from
An Tran (AT). (Q9567) with three spades on the flop, but no
more spades to match AT's As, and An Tran is now down to about
20,000. This will prove to be his low point.
- An Tran begins playing very aggressively and moves all-in
many, many times. He isn't called too often, and shows several
uncalled A-high kicker hands.
- In late position An Tran (J8) goes all-in against Dan Harrington's
(J3s) blind hand and doubles thru to 50,000 (47KTT).
- John Bonetti slow plays AA and sends Dan Harrington to the
showers in 17th place when DH moves all in on the turn (he was
drawing dead at the time) with KT (AT96x). Pot was about
- Berry Johnston (??) finishes 16th when his all in hand loses
to JP Schmalz's K3s (55KKx).
- John Bonetti (KJ) wins another 200,000 pot and eliminates
Steve Melton (QJs) in 15th place. Most of the money went in on
the flop (K93A2) when SM's QJs was of the same suit as the K9.
- Bruce Van Horn (two red Aces) eliminates Akron John (two red
Jacks) and becomes chip leader with over 500,000 as both are
all in before the flop (87477). AJ finishes 14th.
- Chau Giang (A9s) goes all in before the flop in the blind
after John Bonetti (A7) attempts a steal from the button.
They split a 120,000 pot (AA3JT).
- Steve Beam (AT), who was short stacked all day, survives
all-in against Huck Seed (K4) to win a 50,000 pot (A25T7).
- On two simultaneous 100,000 pots, both all-in before the flop
players survived: An Tran (TT) against John Bonetti (KJs) with
a (7788x) board and Steve Beam (KK) against Fernando Fisdel
(TT) with a (2395x) board.
- I believe there were only 4 smokers at the last two tables,
and several fans were aimed in their direction. I know that at
this point, with 14 players left, the only smokers were Men,
An Tran, Chui and Giang.
- An Tran (55) on the button goes all in before the flop and is
called by John Bonetti in the small blind (KQs). AT wins a
80,000 pot (56767). Presto!
- An Tran raises 16,000 in mid position, John Bonetti (88)
calls and Chau Giang (AK) on the button raises 34,000 all-in.
AT folds, JB calls. (8542Q) and Chau Giang is 13th.
- David Chiu (QJ) wins an unraised family pot of 100,000 when
he moves all in on a flop that is checked around to him on the
button and John Bonetti (AK) calls (QT46Q).
- Steve Beam (QQ) survives again when he goes all-in before the
flop against Huck Seed (QJ). Board is (K8723).
- Paul Ladanyi (??) makes it 20,000 to go from early position
and John Bonetti (AA) calls on the button. 20,000 is bet and
called on the flop, and PL check raises JB on the turn,
20,000 + 60,000. PL checks the river and calls JB's 50,000.
Board is (9TJx9) and pot is about 350,000. PL along with An
Tran was probably the most aggressive player all day.
- Blinds go to 3,000/6,000 with 1,000 ante and Paul Ladanyi
(TT) makes it 20,000 to go from early position. John Saer
(AA) makes it 100,000 all-in from the blind and PL calls.
A board of (T74K2) gives John Saer 12th place.
- Paul Ladanyi (TT) in the small blind raises 15,000 and is
called by Andre Boyer (A9s) in the big blind. AB calls all-in
on the flop and wins a 200,000 pot on the river (JJ9KA).
- Fernando Fisdel (AA) goes all-in before the flop against JP
Schmalz (22) and makes the nut flush on the turn to survive
- In a battle of the blinds, David Chiu (65) calls all-in on the
flop against Paul Ladanyi (24) and takes a 70,000 pot (753QQ).
- JP Schmalz (AA) under the gun raises all in and is called by
Men (JJ). The (T9265) board gives JS a 130,000 pot.
- John Bonetti (KTs) makes it 25,000 to go on the button, Paul
Ladanyi (A9s) bumps it 116,000 more and JB calls. Ladanyi
finishes 11th (KT4T6).
- John Bonetti makes it 30,000 (86) to go on the button and
David Chiu (55) calls in the blind. DC bets about 40,000
all-in on the flop, Bonetti calls and David Chiu is 10th
- John Bonetti is now chip leader with 1,015,000 followed by
Van Horn 637,000 and Seed 515,000. An Tran has 90,000.
- Steve Beam (A4s) goes all in on the button and goes home in
9th place after John Bonetti (AK) calls in the blind (T629J).
Pot is about 60,000.
- JP Schmalz (AK) goes all-in in middle position and is called
by Bruce Van Horn on the button. The river (8877A) saves JS
and wins him a 160,000 pot.
- Men calls, An Tran (AK) makes it 30,000 to go and Fernando
Fisdel (QQ) raises 70,000 more all-in. Men folds, An Tran
calls and FF gets 8th place (K72J7).
- John Bonetti (AQ) makes it 50,000 to go from late position
and An Tran (AKs) raises about 150,000). Bonetti calls, no
one helps and JB is out kicked (xxxxx).
- An Tran (AA) makes it 30,000 to go and JP Schmalz (A9s)
raises about 40,000 more all-in from the blind. JP gets
7th place from a board of (56TT7).
The Tournament concludes at 1000 hours Las Vegas time
©1996, Binion's Horseshoe. Some portions ©1996, ConJelCo. All
Rights Reserved.
Day Four. Day Two
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