Due to technical difficulties the reporting on this event is abbreviated.
We hope to be able to resume more complete reporting in subsequent events.
Seven Card Razz
$1,500 Buy-in
Entries: 145
Total Prize Money: $217,500
1995 Champion: Mickey Sisskind
1996 Champion: Randy Holland
The Winners
- 1. Randy Holland $87,000
- Tallahassee, FL
- 2. Joe Aurelio $43,500
- Las Vegas, NV
- 3. Berry Johnston $21,750
- Las Vegas, NV
- 4. Tom Hufnagle $13,050
- Las Vegas, NV
- 5. Jeff Chapman $10,875
- Kansas City, MO
- 6. Tom Ricketts $8,700
- Spring Valley, CA
- 7. Lee Wolfman $6,525
- New York, NY
- 8. David Shore $4,350
- Brooklyn, NY
- 9. Chris Ferguson $3,262
- Pacific Palisades, CA
- 10. Wally Caldwell $3,262
- Columbia, MD
- 11. Cliff Pappas $3,262
- Scottsdale, AZ
- 12. Jeff Burdsall $3,262
- Las Vegas, NV
- 13. Leroy Baca $2,175
- Belen, NM
- 14. Linda Johnson $2,175
- Las Vegas, NV
- 15. Joe Lazar $2,175
- New Orleans, LA
- 16. "Oklahoma" Johnny Hale $2,175
- Las Vegas, NV
The Showdown
Binion's Horseshoe, April 27, 1996 --
Randy Holland of Tallahassee, Florida, defeated a record
field of 145 entrants last night to win the sixth event of the 27th
annual World Series of Poker at Binion's Horseshoe Hotel and Casino.
For his first-place finish in the $1,500 buy-in limit Seven Card Razz
event, Holland was awarded $87,000 and a custom-designed 14-karat gold
bracelet to commemorate his victory.
This is the first tournament title for Holland, who has finished in the
money in several other major poker competitions.
Placing second in the Seven Card Razz event and winning $43,500 was Joe
Aurelio of Las Vegas.
Berry Johnston, a 60-year-old professional gambler from Las Vegas,
finished in third place for $21,750. The 1986 World Champion of Poker,
Johnston now has to his credit four World Series of Poker titles, as
well as countless titles from other major competitions. With total
World Series earnings of $1,631,162, Johnston currently ranks third on
the tournament roster of all-time money winners.
The 1996 World Series of Poker continues at the Horseshoe through May
16. The $1,500 buy-in limit Omaha High-Low Split Eight-or-Better event
begins today at noon, followed by the $1,500 buy-in no-limit Texas
Hold'em competition on April 29.
More than 4,000 entrants -- representing at least 20 countries -- are
expected to participate in this year's World Series, and the total
money distributed is anticipated to be in excess of $11 million.
©1996, Binion's Horseshoe. Some portions ©1996, ConJelCo. All
Rights Reserved.
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